Technical Assessment & Feasibility Studies

Organizational Business Process Assessment

A business process is an activity or set of activities that can accomplish a specific organizational goal. Business processes should have purposeful goals, be as precise as possible, and have consistent outcomes. However, all businesses have pockets of inefficiency throughout their current systems. The business process assessment is the act of conducting a review and gaining an understanding of business processes. It involves reviewing the components of the process, including inputs, outputs, procedures, controls, actors, applications, data, technologies, and their interactions to produce results.

Nearly every organization can benefit from a periodic business process assessment. As businesses grow and develop, they often lose track of their protocols and procedures, which can have a devastating impact on the overall efficiency and bottom line of the organization. Rasa Consulting performs business process assessments for clients to assist them in defining their organization’s current process flows, reveal, and mitigate their inefficiencies. Through Rasa’s Consulting’s business process assessment, your organization can develop the productivity that it needs to increase its efficiency and continue to expand. The Rasa Consulting team follows the following steps to perform a business process assessment:

  • Identifying the processes: The first step is to determine which processes need improvement. Business processes are analyzed according to the organization’s mission, its client, key results, and plan;
  • Gathering the data from the team who already work with the process daily: The data is collected through interviews and brainstorming;
  • Creating business process flowcharts, this step gives a real insight into how the process happens.
  • Defining the process: In this step, the process will be demonstrated as it is happening in the actual situation;
  • Modeling the ideal process: After analyzing the necessary information, we model the new process that our client wants it to be and align it with the organization and its goals.

Socio-economic and Civil Infrastructure Assessments

A broad definition of socio-economic assessment is the analysis of social, cultural, economic, and political conditions of individuals, groups, communities, and organizations. Civil infrastructure can be considered a basic physical structure that supports our way of life and plays a significant role in a region and country’s social and economic outcomes. Such infrastructure includes roads, railways, bridges, tunnels, ports, airports, distribution grids/networks (such as pipes, poles, and wires used in water, sewage, electricity, and communications), water, and resource management, preparatory civil works, and more.

This assessment is an appraisal of the potential social and economic impacts on different sectors of society, including local communities and groups, civil society organizations, and the private sector. It analyses the social and economic effects, both positive and negative, of planned interventions, policies, programs, projects, and any change processes invoked by the interventions. Key parameters to explore while undertaking such an analysis includes the following:

  • Resource use patterns;
  • Stakeholder characteristics;
  • Gender issues;
  • Stakeholder perceptions;
  • Organization and resource governance;
  • Traditional knowledge;
  • Community services and facilities;
  • Market attributes for direct uses; and
  • Non-market, indirect, and non-use values.

Rasa Consulting conducts socio-economic and civil infrastructure assessments for its clients using the following techniques:

  • Secondary data sources (e.g., reports and statistics);
  • Observation;
  • Key informant interviews (e.g., with experts and key informants);
  • Surveys (structured or semi-structured);
  • In-depth interviews (individuals and groups);
  • Focus group discussions;
  • Visualization techniques (e.g., maps, physical transects, timelines, historical transects, decision trees, and ranking)

Value Chain Assessments

Value chain assessment is a strategy tool used to analyze internal firm activities. Its goal is to recognize the most valuable activities to the firm, which provide competitive advantages. The value chain refers to a set of interdependent economic activities and a group of vertically linked commercial agents. The value chain represents all the internal activities a firm engages in to produce goods and services. It consists of primary activities that directly add value to the final product and support activities that add value indirectly.

Rasa Consulting conducts value chain analysis by looking at every step required to create a product or service and identifying ways to increase the efficiency of the chain.

In the first step, we at Rasa Consultancy collect data through primary and secondary sources and compile a value chain map to organize the data. The next step is to use the value chain framework and analyze the collected data to explore opportunities and constraints within the chain. In the final stage, we utilize the findings to design a strategy regarding the value chain to improve the organization’s output.

Rasa Consulting applies a simple, linear, and systematic process to perform technical assessments:

  1. Prepare a strategy for conducting a technical assessment
  2. Assess technical work productivity 
  3. Assess technical product quality
  4. Horizontal and Vertical progress reviews 
  5. Work products from assessment activities 
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Feasibility Studies

A feasibility study takes all of a project’s relevant factors into account – including economic, technical, legal, and scheduling considerations – to ascertain the likelihood of completing the project successfully. We use feasibility studies to discern the pros and cons of undertaking a project before investing time and money. Feasibility studies also provide an entity with crucial information that could prevent it from entering blindly risky businesses.

Through feasibility studies, Rasa Consulting assists its clients to examine the practicality of a social/economic/developmental proposal, business venture, or idea. Rasa Consulting has assisted the Government of Afghanistan to assess the feasibility and viability of a multi-billion dollar irrigation and hydropower project, i.e., the Shahi Canal Project, that, if implemented, will transform Afghanistan’s economy. Similarly, Rasa Consulting has helped private manufacturing firms such as Erada Saffron and ANSA to examine the demand and requirements for launching new products.


Engineering, Technical and Design Feasibility Assessment

This assessment focuses on the technical resources available to the organization. It helps organizations determine whether the technical resources meet capacity and whether the technical team is capable of converting the ideas into working systems. Engineering, technical, and design feasibility involves the evaluation of the hardware, software, and other technical requirements of the proposed system.


Organizational Business Process Assessments

A business process is an activity or set of activities that can accomplish a specific organizational goal. Business processes should have purposeful goals, be as precise as possible, and have consistent outcomes. However, all businesses have pockets of inefficiency throughout their current systems. The business process assessment is the act of conducting a review and gaining an understanding of business processes. It involves reviewing the components of the process, including inputs, outputs, procedures, controls, actors, applications, data, technologies, and their interactions to produce results.


Financial and Economic Feasibility

This assessment typically involves a cost/ benefits analysis of the project, helping organizations determine the viability, cost, and benefits associated with a project before the allocation of financial resources for execution. It also serves as an independent project assessment and enhances project credibility—helping decision-makers determine the positive economic benefits to the organization that the proposed project will provide.


Operational Feasibility

This assessment involves undertaking a study to analyze and determine whether, and how well the organization’s needs will be addressed by completing the project.

We, at Rasa Consulting, offer an operational feasibility study, to ascertain how well the implementation of a project fits in with the current organizational business structure. The solutions to an existing problem must come as close as possible to a perfect fit with the organizational structure and be able to be applied to solve other arising problems. The opportunities that come along the way during the solution implementation must be ready to be harnessed for easier implementation.


Social and Environmental Feasibility

Infrastructure projects often have significant social and environmental impacts arising from their construction and operation, which can be both positive and negative. The consequences may include flow-on effects beyond the project location and the people directly associated with the project.

The social impacts of projects on communities affected by the project include implications for quality of life and livelihoods. Similarly, projects may have environmental impacts on the project’s environment (e.g., rivers, groundwater, or air), including effects on environmental resources due to the utilization of pollutant materials.

RASA Consulting offers social and environmental feasibility study which covers the following aspects:

Environmental aspects:

  • Overall protection of public and ecological health
  • Effective reduction of hazardous waste toxicity, mobility, and volume
  • Technical reliability
  • Statutory compliance

Social aspects:

  • Social issues of the targeted community; and
  • Providing a participation strategy to involve a broader range of stakeholders.