Capacity building (or capacity development) is the process by which individuals and organizations obtain, improve, and retain the skills, knowledge, tools, equipment, and other resources needed to do their jobs competently or to a greater capacity (larger scale, larger audience, larger impact, etc). Capacity building and capacity development are often used interchangeably.
A company’s culture, particularly during its early years, is inevitably tied to the personality, background, and values of its founder or founders, as well as their vision for the future of the organization. This explains one reason why culture is so hard to change: It is shaped in the early days of a company’s history. When entrepreneurs establish their own businesses, the way they want to do business determines the organization’s rules, the structure set-up in the company, and the people they hire to work with them.
Facilitated learning is where the students are encouraged to take more control of their learning process. The trainer’s role becomes that of a facilitator and organizer providing resources and support to learners. In turn, the participants learn with and from each other as they identify and implement solutions to challenges, problems, or other developmental issues. They might also set their own objectives and be responsible for learning assessments.
The technique is used most frequently in university education and more formal study. It is probably not a methodology that trainers in the archive field will be able to use exclusively, but it offers some techniques and approaches that can be incorporated into training courses that run over several days. For example having participants work independently to develop an action plan, related to the course content but tailored to their needs.
Collaborating between departments is more than just “cooperating” with other teams. It involves cultivating a shared vision, mutual respect, and an in-depth understanding of each other’s roles. Each department strives for a common goal of achieving excellent business outcomes and outstanding customer experience.